Предмет: Информатика. Добавлен: 21.11.2022. Год: 2022. Страниц: 6. Оригинальность по antiplagiat.ru: < 30% |
Laboratory work №10 Cloud file storage services I will use “Google Drive” storage. (My account: mahanbay2004@gmail.co ) 1. Examine which of the postal services (yandex; gmail;. Mail.ru, etc.) used in laboratory work have file storage services, their capabilities. All of that’s services have file storage. Mail.ru storage: When buying any tariff, the maximum volume of one downloadable file increases to 32 GB. Yandex: The maximum amount of space on Yandex. Disk" for free – 10 GB. But initially, each user is given only 3 GB of storage. Google Drive: There are 15 GB available for free in the storage of each Google account. After switching to the Google One tariff plan, the total storage capacity increases to at least 100 GB (depending on the plan). 2. Create a folder in the cloud "ITO_lab", download it in files created when performing laboratory work in this discipline. 3. Open access to the file (folder) for your mailboxes in other mail services. Check availability of files. Make screenshots, screenshots place in the report, give them appropriate names. Picture 1 – opening access to the folder on Google Drive 4. Send the link to the file (folder) for your mailboxes in other mail services. Check availability of files. Make screenshots, screenshots place in the report, give them appropriate names. drive/folders/1QxrvYy ioxer7kWcvpdIMdNNJ1h8 m2e?usp=share_link 5. Install the application cloud service to your smartphone and view the files through it. Picture 2 – downloading an app – Google Drive 6. Open the cloud service on your phone, upload any file (photo, audio, video) from the gallery into the cloud. Check whether the file will appear in your folder on your computer. Make screenshots, screenshots place in the report, give them appropriate names. Picture 3 – upload photo to Google Drive from PC Picture 4 – checking synchronization from the Mobile app... Review questions: 1. What influenced the appearance of cloud computing concepts? The need to store files and access them remotely and from various devices. 2. What are the main characteristics of cloud computing? Self -service on request, Free access via the Internet, Pooling of resources, Fast scalability, A measurable service. 3. What trends in the development of infrastructure solutions have led to the concept of cloud computing? Access to data from anywhere in the world. 4. What are the stages of the development of cloud computing? 5. What is meant by virtualization? Virtualization uses software to create an abstraction layer over computer hardware that allows the hardware elements of a single computer—processors, memory, storage and more—to be divided into multiple virtual computers, commonly called virtual machines 6. Give the main types of virtualizations. Desktop Virtualization, Application Virtualization, Server Virtualization, Network Virtualization, Storage Virtualization. 7. What are the ways to provide services? Provision of a certain amount of data storage space, remote access to data. 8. List the advantages of cloud computing. Back-up and restore data, Improved collaboration, Excellent accessibility, Low maintenance cost, Mobility, Services in the pay-per-use model, Unlimited storage capacity, Data security. 9. What Web services does cloud computing provide? Cloud Computing, SOA, UDDI, WSDL, IaaS. 10. What are the components of the levels provided by IaaS providers? PaaS provides the entire infrastructure for running applications over the Internet. Similar services are provided by a large number of companies, such as Microsoft, Amazon.com , Google. PaaS is based on a license accounting model or subscription model, so users only pay for what they use. 11. How many cloud deployment models do you know? List them. There are four main types: public, private, hybrid and community clouds. 12. What is private cloud used for? A private cloud, also known as internal or corporate cloud, is dedicated to the needs and goals of a single organization whereas public clouds deliver services to multiple organizations. 13. What are four main types of cloud services provided by Windows Azure? infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and serverless. 14. What is the purpose of the Data Centers? A data center is a facility that centralizes an organizations shared IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing, and disseminating data and applications. |
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